FormaK builds fast, reliable, easy to use online state estimation.
FormaK is tooling to easily derive Python and C++ implementations of models based on your data (or even before you have data). The models are fast and are generated with automation to help you generate and maintain them. FormaK uses symbolic mathematics for fast, efficient system modelling and applies compiler techniques to code generation to create performant code that is easy to use.
The values of the FormaK project (in order) are:
Easy to use
FormaK is open source and uses the MIT license.
If you’d like to jump in to using FormaK: Getting Started or access the full Documentation
The code is hosted on Github:
Table of Contents¶
Demos are in the demo/
Developer documentation is contained in the formak/
Documentation of design decisions are contained in the designs/
The Persona¶
Who is this for?
The user of FormaK is someone with domain expertise who is looking to take their knowledge and their data and quickly (measured in the user’s time) create a model, either as a project in itself or as part of a larger project.
The user isn’t expected to know or have to understand the mechanics of what’s going on under the hood in order to get value from the library. This means things like sane defaults and an easy to use interface that’s hard to misuse are highly important. The library should encapsulate a collective knowledge that, as it improves over time, can improve everyone’s work.
On the flip side, a user with more familiarity of the modelling process or the FormaK tool should be able to use more advanced features and select configuration that better matches their use case.
The Five Keys¶
In line with the values and the intended user, the intended user experience is as follows. The user provides:
Model that describes the physics of the system
Execution criteria (e.g. memory usage, execution time)
Time series data for the system
and in return the user gets an optimal model.
The Five Key Elements the library provides to achieve this user experience are:
Python Interface to define models
Python implementation of the model and supporting tooling
Integration to scikit-learn to leverage the model selection and parameter tuning functions
C++ and Python to C++ interoperability for performance
C++ interfaces to support a variety of model uses
What does this look like?
vp = vehicle_properties = {k: Symbol(k) for k in ["m", "x", "v", "a"]}
fuel_burn_rate = Symbol("fuel_burn_rate")
state = set(vehicle_properties.values())
control = set([fuel_burn_rate]) # kg/sec
# momentum = mv
# dmomentum / dt = F = d(mv)/dt
# F = m dv/dt + dm/dt v
# a = dv / dt = (F - dm/dt * v) / m
F = -gravitational_force(vp["m"], Earth_Mass, vp["x"] + Earth_Equatorial_Radius)
state_model = {
vp["m"]: vp["m"] - fuel_burn_rate * dt,
vp["x"]: vp["x"] + (vp["v"] * dt) + (1 / 2 * vp["a"] * dt * dt),
vp["v"]: vp["v"] + (vp["a"] * dt),
vp["a"]: (F - (fuel_burn_rate * vp["v"])) / vp["m"],
orbital_model = Model(dt=dt, state=state, control=control, state_model=state_model)
python_implementation = python.compile(orbital_model)
Tools for creating models
Optimize the models
Generate Python from models
Generate C++ from models
(planned) Integrations for model fitting, model selection
Clang-12 / C++17
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