Hyper-parameter Selection


Buck Baskin @buck@fosstodon.org





Parent Design:


See Also:

designs/python_library_for_model_evaluation.md, designs/innovation_filtering.md


FormaK aims to combine symbolic modeling for fast, efficient system modelling with code generation to create performant code that is easy to use.

The Five Key Elements the library provides to achieve this user experience are:

  1. Python Interface to define models

  2. Python implementation of the model and supporting tooling

  3. Integration to scikit-learn to leverage the model selection and parameter tuning functions

  4. C++ and Python to C++ interoperability for performance

  5. C++ interfaces to support a variety of model uses

This design focuses on “Integration to scikit-learn to leverage the model selection and parameter tuning functions”. More specifically, this design focuses on using scikit-learn tooling to automatically select the innovation filtering level from data.

The promise of this design is that all parameters could be selected automatically based on data instead of requiring hand tuning; however, this design will focus narrowly on selecting the innovation filtering level as a motivating example.

Solution Approach

How can FormaK build a repeatable process for selecting model parameters?

To start, FormaK will follow the process laid out by scikit-learn docs for tuning the hyper-parameters of an estimator

The high level process is composed of the following elements:

  • The estimator

  • The parameter space

  • The method for searching or sampling candidates

  • The cross-validation scheme

  • The score function


FormaK is already equipped to define symbolic models and then generate Python estimators that follow the scikit-learn interface. While I don’t expect this aspect to change significantly, if a major interface change will make the Python estimators easier to use then I am open to reworking the interface because I suspect making this design easier to implement is correlated with making the classes easier to use and easier to use correctly.

Estimator Interface

The design will have the user provide the symbolic model and allow the FormaK tooling to handle generating a Python implementation.

Parameter Space

The parameter space for this problem is positive floats. The problem could be thought of as positive integers (how many standard deviations are acceptable) but the positive floats should be easier to optimize as a continuous parameter.

The default method for parameter optimization is exhaustive grid search. For this problem of selecting a single or reduced set of parameters it should be okay to use the baseline; however, the design will include an experiment to compare between grid search and randomized search. The benefit of randomized search is that a specific budget can be set and the approach will, with high probability, find the best result in the same search space as the grid search but with fewer iterations.

The parameter search algorithm will be an optional configuration option, with FormaK picking a sane default (likely random search).

Cross Validation

The cross-validation approach suggested by scikit-learn to choose the hyper-parameter with the highest cross-validation score:

  1. Hold aside a test time series that does not overlap with the rest of the data set

  2. Within the remaining data, the training time series, subdivide into different folds where one part of each fold is used to train the model and a subset is used for validation. By selecting many folds, we can reduce the chance that the parameters are overfit to noise in a particular test evaluation.

  3. Perform final scoring against the held out test data.

One thing to note: I’ve used time series here instead of the usual set because time series have an explicit order in their samples so the usual selection of folds for cross validation won’t apply. Instead, the cross validation will use an approach like scikit-learn’s TimeSeriesSplit.

The Cross Validation approach will be an optional configuraiton option, with FormaK picking a sane default (TimeSeriesSplit).

Metrics / Score Function

Metric to minimize: Normalized Innovation Squared (NIS). NIS is defined as

\[\tilde{z} = z - \hat{z} S = H \overline{\Sigma} H^{T} + Q NIS = \tilde{z}^{T} S^{-1} \tilde{z}\]

Roughly, it looks at the magnitude of the reading error \(\tilde{z}\) vs the expected variation \(S\). FormaK uses the NIS metric because it doesn’t require ground truth data. An alternative, Normalized Estimation Error Squared (NEES) looks at the errors vs ground truth. [3]

[3] NEES definition taken from “Kalman Filter Tuning with Bayesian Optimization” by Chen et al.

One small problem with this measure:

  1. The score will decrease consistently as the size of the error goes down (this is good, this means that the model is more accurate

  2. The score will decrease consistently as the size of the variance goes up (this is bad, the optimization could increase the estimated variance to achieve a better score)

To remedy that, the metric to minimize is consistency instead of the true minimum NIS. Taking advantage of the fact that we know that the errors should follow a \(\chi^{2}\) distribution, we can calculate consistency as follows:

\xi_{K_{r}} = NIS
\overline{\xi_K} = \sum_{r=1}^{r=N} \xi_{K_{r}}
F_{K}^{\chi^{2}} = Prob{\chi^{2}_n < \overline{\xi_K}
d_{i(k)} = F_{K}^{\chi^{2}} - \dfrac{i(k)}{N_{K}}
Consistency = \dfrac{1}{N_{K}} \sum_{1}^{N_{K}} \lvert d_{i_{(K)}} \rvert

[1] This approach to innovation filtering, referred to as editing in the text, is adapted from “Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least Squares and Modeling” by Bruce P. Gibbs (referred to as [1] or AKFLSM) This consistency calculation is based on [2] Optimal Tuning Of A Kalman Filter Using Genetic Algorithms by Yaakov Oshman and Ilan Shaviv, but implemented with the NIS metric from [1].

Testing Notes:

  • For testing, innovation, NIS and consistency, go to the math. Everything else in this feature is built on the metrics being evaluated correctly

  • Test with mocked EKF so you can return a fixed state, covariance to get known innovation from readings

State Management

All of the above design aspects have alluded to management tasks. This funcitonality will be managed by a FormaK state machine for model creation called DesignManager.

A state machine provides a straightforward concept for users interacting with FormaK. Instead of having to re-invent a combination of tools each time a user wants to use FormaK, they can instead follow one or more orchestrated flows through the state machine to reach their goal.

The initial states for the state machine are:

  • Start

  • Symbolic Model

  • Fit Model

  • Final Model

An example state transition would be Start -> Symbolic Model. In code this would look like:

starting_state = formak.DesignManager(design_name='mercury')

symbolic_state = starting_state.symbolic_model(model=user_model)

The high level requirements for a hyper-parameter search can be slotted into the various state transitions:

  • The user will provide a symbolic model used to underly the estimator generation process in the Start -> Symbolic Model transition

  • The user will provide the parameter space in the Symbolic Model -> Fit Model transition

  • The user can provide configuration for the parameter search in the Symbolic Model -> Fit Model transition

  • The user can provide configuration for the cross validation in the Symbolic Model -> Fit Model transition

  • The score function will be hard coded for now within the FormaK model

Testing Notes:

  • Every state transition should be covered. This can be tested by checking the return type. The desired functionality of the returned object should be independent of the state transition(s) used to get there.

Usability and the Discoverability Interface

To make the state machine easier to use, the public functions available on the state machine will be minimized to those available for valid transitions with three exceptions. The required arguments to each function represent the required information to achieve the state transition.

The three exceptions:

First, a history() function can be called that will provide a user-readable history of state transitions covered so far.

Second, a transition_options() function that will provide a list of function names that can be called from the current state.

Third, a search(desired_state) function which will return a list of transitions to take to reach the desired state. This search will be accomplished dynamically by inspecting the return types of each transition out of the current state in a breadth first manner. From there the transitions from each returned type can be used to identify additional reachable states by taking two transitions. If this is not found the process can be repeated to some known finite maximum depth. Breadth first search should help identify a shortest path to the goal, although it may not identify all paths.

Each state will be immutable.

Each state shall inherit from a common base class.

New Class(es)

This feature may require implementing a new class or classes to interface with scikit-learn tooling:

  1. Metric function or class to pass to scikit-learn (see the make_scorer interface)

  2. Dataset class. Most scikit-learn tooling deals in vectors and that may not be fully suitable for sensor data


Feature Tests

Compare a correct model with a dataset with arbitrary, incorrect +- 5 std dev noise inserted around other noise that is normally distributed. Selecting parameter should be less than 5. This can be repeated for multiple correct values of innovation filtering, say in the range 4-10.

By using synthetic data, a known correct answer can be used and the complexity of the feature test can be focused on demonstrating the interface (instead of say demonstrating the construction of a complex model to deal with complex real-world phenomena).

Roadmap and Process

  1. Write a design

  2. Write a feature test(s) 3A. Experiments 3B. Build a simple prototype

  3. Pass feature tests

  4. Refactor/cleanup

  5. Build an instructive prototype (e.g. something that looks like the project vision but doesn’t need to be the full thing)

  6. Add unit testing, etc

  7. Refactor/cleanup

  8. Write up successes, retro of what changed (so I can check for this in future designs)

Post Review



The organization of the fititng structure via state machine could be thought of like a Scikit-Learn Pipeline; however, I’m hoping that the interface will be more of a guided tutorial for self-assembly, so a fixed pipeline isn’t the answer. Under the hood, a pipeline may ultimately become the answer.

The two seem similar, but they are orthogonal axis. The state machine is an organizational tool for creating the estimator, the pipeline is for fitting.


formak.python UI change

Previously, the scikit-learn interface was mixed with the Kalman Filter interface. To better support the contract that scikit-learn expects for its estimators, the two are now split. There’s an EKF and then a SklearnEKFAdapter that inherits from scikit-learn’s BaseEstimator.


Python Typing

Under the hood, this design marks the integration of the library with material use of Python typing.


Defining Parameters to Select

The parameter space used in the DesignManager class is designed to be a look-alike substitution for the param_grid used in scikit-learn. In practice it behaves differently, but the hope is that these differences can be minimized over time and FormaK can benefit from the usability and predictability of sharing an interface with a popular Python library.

Data Format

The DesignManager currently uses numpy arrays as the data type expected; however, it may be a better fit in the future to move to conventions followed in scikit-learn’s general dataset API.