The pedal for my bike broke without warning. Maybe there was a warning, but I missed it. Anyway.
It's interesting to take a look at how it broke. There is a series of color gradients, which makes me think that it cracked and broke progressively with increasing exposure to the environment, followed by one big break when I tried to accelerate.
Not surprisingly, when the pedal broke the plastic piece that I'd printed also broke. I think the mechanics are easier here. My weight landed on the pedal as it fell to the ground and it looks like it broke at the impact point.
Externally, there are some steps in the cracked edge, which seems like some of the fracture happened along layers. Internally, there isn't a clear fracture along the infill which makes it seem like the layers fused together nicely with the gyrodial infill.
For a dash of positivity, the other pedal is holding up nicely.