Building on the learnings from last time, I'm working on speedups to significantly reduce the time to launch the interactive features to make them more, well, interactive. Previously, the script was taking 800 seconds (800!) on startup and that has been improved significantly.
Speed - Part 2¶
The latest run with an expanded search area led to an almost 800 second database creation time (for ~800 documents). This essentially turns an "interactive" script into a batch script, which defeats the purpose of being able to use it while thinking and writing.
I think I can achieve this level of interactivity (say less than 1 minute from save to recommendations) by saving the vector database locally and then updating it incrementally at download time
... And the results (with the same documents, and 39 recommendations)
Import Time 5.9 sec
Memory Construction Time 6.1 sec
Vector Load Time 794.3 sec
File Read Time 0.0 sec
File Embed Time 1.3 sec
Recommendation Time 73.4 sec
When rerunning, the times are:
Import Time 6.0 sec
Memory Construction Time 22.4 sec
Vector Load Time 0.0 sec
File Read Time 0.0 sec
File Embed Time 1.8 sec
Recommendation Time 70.4 sec
This shows that I've exchanged 800 seconds of saving new vectors for ~20 seconds of loading them from a local file. A worthwhile trade
The new longest pole in the experience is the recommendations; however, these are done in an incremental approach with the current UI, so the user can still get some value before the 70 seconds of recommendations are complete.
Easier downloads scripting - Part 2¶
As I'm writing, I've identified topic areas where I'm getting no matches (in this case, camera intrinsics and online estimation of said camera intrinsics). I'd like to be able to do something like
python "online estimation camera intrinsics"
In the same vein, I'd like to be able to gather a broad category
python "cs:RO"
Other Notes¶
User Interface Idea¶
I prefix questions I have with "Open Question". I could use this as a key for paragraphs to generate extra results (say 5 instead of 3) and surface them independently from the aggregated list of most likely interesting sources. I should also remove the "Open Question" part because that seems to bias the content away from what I'm looking for. A line
Open question: how feasible is it to estimate camera intrinsics online in a strapdown visual inertial odometry system?
matches to results with poor match scores
(0.747) Perturbation theory and canonical coordinates in celestial mechanics
In this paper, we study in-depth the problem of online self-calibration for robust and accurate visual-inertial state estimation. In particular, we fi...
(0.710) Bridging Zero-shot Object Navigation and Foundation Models through
Pixel-Guided Navigation Skill
This paper presents an online initialization method for bootstrapping the optimization-based monocular visual-inertial odometry (VIO). The method can ...
(0.681) ETPNav: Evolving Topological Planning for Vision-Language Navigation in
Continuous Environments
Visual-inertial navigation systems are powerful in their ability to accurately estimate localization of mobile systems within complex environments tha...
In the same vein, I can probably skip chunks that are just links, until I get to the point of going and fetching the link contents to use (but this probably doesn't need to be done for a while)