Buck Baskin
- https://github.com/buckbaskin

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH
M.S. Mechanical Engineering
Thesis: Biologically Inspired Neural Networks for Control of Legged Robots
- Intro. to Machine Learning
- Algorithmic Robotics
- Robotics I
B.S. Computer Science
Senior Project: Multi-Robot Mapping for Search and Rescue
- Mobile Robotics
- Intro. to Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Algorithms
Software Engineer - Cruise
Jan 2020 - Current
- Estimation and Control Algorithms for Autonomous Cars
Robotics Perception Engineer - Starsky Robotics
June 2018 - Jan 2020
- Built a new localization and mapping system for a self-driving semi truck
- Helped test and launch the first driverless semi truck in the US
Software Team Lead - Biorobotics Lab Autonomous Snowplow
Fall 2014 - Spring 2018
- Won 2017 ION Autonomous Snowplow Competition with 25% better snow clearance
than 2nd place
- Developed computer vision pipeline in ROS with OpenCV for successful detection
of moving obstacle
- Implemented adaptive gradient descent planning for global and local path
- Led reconstruction of navigation systems using Python for prototyping, C++ for
critical path nodes
Software Engineer - Markers Investor Relations
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
- Built searchable database of unstructured visual data with MongoDB via
scraping and text processing from PDFs
- Designed API for a Node.js microservice to enhance discovery and accessibility
of historic financial data
- Integrated customer, business and technical feedback to quickly launch
successful features
Software Engineering Intern - Google
Summer 2016
- Developed Java server infrastructure for Google Maps mobile and web products
- Improved a code generation tool built with JavaPoet and Dagger to increase
development velocity and reduce bugs by topologically sorting generation
Software Development Intern -
Flashstarts Startup Accelerator
Summer 2015
- Led technical development for a Node.js and AngularJS IP exchange startup
- Built prototype Rails application to match companies seeking domain specific experts
- Created real-time Socket.io messaging system to speed up communication
Robotics Projects
3D Printed Walking Robot - Hustlebug
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
- Designed and built an innovative walking leg design optimized for
manufacturability and ease of assembly
- Implementing onboard interpreter and sensor platform for easy programming in
Visual SLAM for 360 deg. Camera - Parakeet-SLAM
Spring 2017
- Implements a modified version of FastSLAM particle and Kalman filter
localization and mapping
- Vision system tracks colored features for use in an urban GPS denied
Relevant Skills
- Python
- Java
- Javascript, Node.js
- C++ (w/ ROS)
Frameworks and Technologies
- Git
- Robot Operating System (ROS)
- Numpy/Scipy
- Docker
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Flask
- Dagger